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Red/Red-necked Phalarope
Number observed: 1 -
peep sp.
Number observed: 9Details
Looked like a flock of Semipalmated Sandpipers
Number observed: 1
Dark morph immature at 12:27 waypoint 1. This bird came in and harassed an adult gull, the fight ensuing directly overhead. This was quite an aggressive bird. I noted it had several pale primary shafts on the outer wing, a limited white patch at base of primaries ventrally, a stout but still jaeger-sized bill (vs. skua) and squared-off tail. The legs and feet were bicolored, being pale bluish-gray on the legs and base of toes, which were black. This is a trait of juvenile birds through the first year.
Number observed: 6
Number observed: 10
6 adults, 1 immature
Number observed: 2
Adult and juvenile
Number observed: 800
At waypoint 4 we estimated 250 in sight at once. Hundreds more were encountered as we headed SW over ledge to fingers. 800-1000 would be a good estimate. These were concentrated on the shallower ledge areas itself, and their numbers dropped off as we headed west out the finger.
Number observed: 1
Close flyby while we were on fishing station. Once again, the brown coloration, bounding flight action with wings drawn high and wrists bent were noted; rump white with no obvious central stripe except at closest pass. Photos and coordinates to be added.
Cory's/Scopoli's Shearwater
Number observed: 6Details
All seen fairly well and judged to be C. d. borealis; photos of some confirm that.
Number observed: 4
Number observed: 1
crossed from south to north as we headed west out northern finger of Jeffreys Ledge
Number observed: 1
Spotted by Gordon, this was a sharply black and white shearwater with rapid, shallow wingbeats and white "saddles" showing at the flanks as bird moved away.
shearwater sp.
Number observed: 3
This phalarope was seen only briefly and at some distance. My impression was of a Red Phalarope, but I could not confirm that.