Maine eBird Checklist S38474159

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Location Jeffreys Ledge north end

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Owner Josh Fecteau

Other participating eBirders


Protocol:  Traveling
  • Observers:  3
  • Distance:  9 km

Checklist Comments

Onboard Nor'easter lobster boat with Josh Fecteau and Gordon Smith. Fishing stations at north end of Jeffreys Ledge, moving between these with long periods stationary. The skies were partly cloudy becoming mostly cloudy late; air temperature about 69° F with water temperature about the same (buoy data: 66.6° to 67.3° F sea surface temperature at Western Maine Shelf buoy about 10 miles west of our location); a gentle southerly breeze all day and calm seas with 2' swells. We started fishing at waypoint 1 [43.193190, -70.031894] for a short time, but moved because a shark posed a problem. Our next station was waypoint 2 [43.187235, -70.028991]. The southerly breeze caused us to drift northward, and we would reposition back to our fishing stations a few times (first time move back to waypoint 2 was at 10:14). At 10:39 we moved NNW back to WP1. At 11:03 we moved N to new site, waypoint 3 [43.202581, -70.028613], repositioning back there after northward drift at 11:32 and 11:52. At 12:19 we motored from waypoint 3 S to WP1. At 12:44 moved bearing 208 SW of waypoint 2 to waypoint 4 [ 43.171398, -70.036535]. Moved at 13:14 SSW along ridge, ultimately turning westward along northernmost of the "fingers" on the western side of Jeffreys Ledge, stopping at waypoint 5 [ 43.148792, -70.077533] arriving at 13:30. A lot of cod here at WP5; so we moved to not fish them. Distance traveled one-way from waypoint to waypoint = 8.82 km rounded to 9 km given movements.

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.5.148


  1. Red/Red-necked Phalarope

    Number observed:  1


    This phalarope was seen only briefly and at some distance. My impression was of a Red Phalarope, but I could not confirm that.

  2. peep sp.

    Number observed:  9


    Looked like a flock of Semipalmated Sandpipers

  3. Number observed:  1


    Dark morph immature at 12:27 waypoint 1. This bird came in and harassed an adult gull, the fight ensuing directly overhead. This was quite an aggressive bird. I noted it had several pale primary shafts on the outer wing, a limited white patch at base of primaries ventrally, a stout but still jaeger-sized bill (vs. skua) and squared-off tail. The legs and feet were bicolored, being pale bluish-gray on the legs and base of toes, which were black. This is a trait of juvenile birds through the first year.


  4. Number observed:  6
  5. Number observed:  10


    6 adults, 1 immature

  6. Number observed:  2


    Adult and juvenile

  7. Number observed:  800


    At waypoint 4 we estimated 250 in sight at once. Hundreds more were encountered as we headed SW over ledge to fingers. 800-1000 would be a good estimate. These were concentrated on the shallower ledge areas itself, and their numbers dropped off as we headed west out the finger.


  8. Number observed:  1


    Close flyby while we were on fishing station. Once again, the brown coloration, bounding flight action with wings drawn high and wrists bent were noted; rump white with no obvious central stripe except at closest pass. Photos and coordinates to be added.


  9. Cory's/Scopoli's Shearwater

    Number observed:  6


    All seen fairly well and judged to be C. d. borealis; photos of some confirm that.


  10. Number observed:  4
  11. Number observed:  1


    crossed from south to north as we headed west out northern finger of Jeffreys Ledge


  12. Number observed:  1


    Spotted by Gordon, this was a sharply black and white shearwater with rapid, shallow wingbeats and white "saddles" showing at the flanks as bird moved away.


  13. shearwater sp.

    Number observed:  3
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