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Number observed: 150
Number observed: 1
I did not notice one on the 2nd, but noticed one on both Feb 28th and March 1st and managed a photo of what could very well be the same individual.
Number observed: 12
Crude guess on numbers but all variants of exilipes (streakier to immaculate white) present. Wish I were there in person.
Number observed: 1
A Hornemann's was present at the feeder on 2 March. Time unknown. I was working at WBU Ottawa and watching our TV screen from time to time (we run Cornell FeederCam all day) and noticed a Hornemann's visit the feeder. I had to juggle helping customers/taking a photo of the Hornemann's but prevailed in the end. I managed a few captures :)
ID notes sent to the OBRCMedia
No idea, a complete guess. I watched remotely.