World Shorebird Day September 6th

World Shorebird Day (c) Gyorgy Szimuly

World Shorebird Day, September 6th, is just about here. During the week of September 1st-7th people all around the world will be counting shorebirds, raising awareness of the importance of monitoring and collecting valuable data to help scientists better understand the statuses and trends for these species.

It’s easy to get involved, just decide where you plan to survey and register online, then head out to count shorebirds between September 1st-7th. Data will be submitted through eBird Northwest, to make sure your checklists are submitted to World Shorebird Day you must share your checklists with the username worldshorebirdsday, here are guidelines of how to share a checklist. Though this count is focused on shorebirds you are encouraged to complete full eBird checklists by including all species detected. Remember your checklists are just as valuable if you record two or 1,000 shorebirds, so don’t be discouraged if you are in a location with few birds.

Approximately half of the world shorebird species have been recorded over the past three years during this event. Check out the list of species which have not yet been recorded. Rock Sandpiper has yet to be recorded,  you might be the lucky observer who finds an early Rock Sandpiper and obtains a World Shorebird Day first. Within the United States, Oregon ranks third in number of checklists submitted to the Global Shorebird Counting Program over the past three years. Let’s keep the number of checklists growing in 2017 by registering today! Learn more about World Shorebird Day and the Global Counting Program here.

Unique checklists submitted to the Global Shorebird Counting Program