Do you use eBird data for conservation? Please tell us how!

By Team eBird 23 Apr 2015

Red Knot, San Mateo, CA, April. Photo by Brian Sullivan.

eBird is an increasingly valuable data source for a variety of uses around the world. It provides open data access to thousands of researchers, academics, students, and conservationists each year, who use your observations to help answer questions about bird status and distribution. We’re always excited to hear about how eBird data are being used in these communities, specifically data use that relates to conservation. Have you used eBird to help make a conservation decision or to take conservation action? If so, please consider taking this short survey to tell us about it. The purpose of this survey is to help uncover conservation outcomes related to use of eBird data. We define ‘conservation outcomes’ as actions resulting from eBird data use that helped conserve birds, biodiversity, or key habitats. Examples could be protection or creation of habitat, better siting of a renewable energy project, listing/delisting of a species, or developing a set of management guidelines for a land owner. If in doubt, take the survey and tell us how you use eBird data. Collectively, this information is important for understanding eBird’s impact on bird conservation. The results of the study will be used for scholarly purposes only and may be published at scientific conferences and in scientific journals.

Take the survey here.